For the safety of all
The Chilton Public Library takes the health of our staff, our patrons, and our community seriously. After the Safer at Home closure, the library took into account several temporary measures to try to ensure the health of all. The number of public computers and study/reading areas were reduced, six-foot and one way markers were placed on the floor to help assist in maintaining social distancing, Plexiglas was placed on the front counter and staff wear face coverings to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19.
At the time of reopening, cases (both confirmed and active) were quite low in both Calumet County and the City of Chilton. However, that is no longer the case. Using data from the Calumet County Health Department and the county census track data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, we can see that there has been a rapid increase in both confirmed and active COVID-19 cases that cover the library service area.
It is with our commitment to health and safety of staff, patrons, and our community that effective Friday, July 17 all visitors will be required to wear a face covering that cover the mouth and nose at all times while inside the library. Those without a face covering will be provided one free of charge. The requirement applies to all visitors ages 3 and up.
The vast of majority research has showed that when both parties are wearing face coverings there is a significant reduction in the spread of COVID-19, especially when there are those that do not show symptoms when infected. With the increase in confirmed and active cases and the widely accepted research, we feel that this effort is best to keep the community safe while continuing to provide services that our community needs.
The library is aware that not everyone will agree with this requirement and some will find it unnecessary and objectionable. For those who cannot or prefer not to wear a face covering, the library will continue to offer services without entering the building. We have curbside service for material pickup, we offer outdoor Wi-Fi and printing, as well as virtual programs and resources.
To set up a curbside pickup, visit or call 920-849-4414. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.