Searching, Sorting and Filtering - Updates to Libby app

In a previous release, Libby introduced a new filtering system on the Shelf and Timeline to streamline how readers sort and filter loans, holds, tags, and reading activity. With today’s release, the new filtering system is now available when browsing and searching your library's catalog. It replaces the previous Preferences and Refine options and appears on your library’s home screen, the search screen, lists, search results, and catalog guides.
Additional details:
To use the new filtering system, tap to sort and filter titles from your library’s home screen, the search screen, lists, catalog guides, or search results. Example sort and filter options include format, audience, language, availability, popularity, and date added to the collection. Note: You can now find the subjects filter from the new button.
Users can pin their favorite sort and filter options.
Once a user pins a sort or filter, it is automatically applied to all lists, catalog guides, and search results. For example, parents can pin the “Juvenile” or “Young Adult” audience filters for young readers, or users can pin the “available now” filter to always see content that is immediately ready to borrow.
Preferences your users previously set are automatically converted into pinned sorts and filters.
Pinned sorts and filters appear on the library home screen for easy access.
To learn more about search, sort, and filter options, watch this brief tutorial or check out Libby Help.
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