Welcome to the Chilton Public Library, your connection to a world of information. Our goal here is to provide you access to materials and resources of all kinds in addition to programming for all ages to meet the needs of you, our users. Please take a moment to look around our website to see what our library can offer you.
I hope you will also visit our facility, browse our collections , borrow materials, use our meeting rooms, investigate our MakerSpace, access our Internet, sign up for a class, attend our monthly documentary series or bring your wee folk to our weekly Babygarten program or to our weekly Toddler Story Time. Join us for a monthly Book Club discussion and potluck. Our dedicated, resourceful, helpful and friendly staff is eager to assist you and make your visit an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
We look forward to seeing you in our realm of lifelong learning soon!
Best to All,
Glenny Whitcomb
Library Director
Our Philosophy
The mission of the Chilton Public Library is to provide access to an expanding world of information to help meet the informational, recreational, cultural and educational needs of our users.
Our History
The first lending library in Chilton was started in 1915 by Ella Groezinger, and housed in the D.V. Jones Telephone and Candy Store next to the State Bank on Main Street. Members of the Woman's Club donated books and support. <click to continue>