Due to COVID-19, a virtual program of Babygarten is being planned for October 2020.
What is Babygarten?
Babygarten is a six week program that brings caregivers and babies together for stimulating experiences intended to nurture the bond between caregiver and child and to increase the caregiver’s awareness of their child’s development. Babygarten’s primary focus is the healthy development of infants aged 0 – 24 months old with an emphasis on language enrichment and preliteracy skills.
The program includes:
Nursery Rhymes and Songs—Infants in the womb are soothed by the ever present beat of a mother’s heartbeat. Babies of all ages still respond to a steady beat no matter what form it takes – rhymes, music, windshield wipers, dishwashers, etc.
Book Sharing—We will read books in unison (yes, the same ones over and over!), and the instructor may recommend books that are most popular with babies. For infants, a book represents the closeness of being held and the soft sounds that come from a familiar person. Eventually, they will understand how a book “works” and that the black squiggle somehow corresponds with the sounds the reader makes. These are all preliteracy skills that better prepare your child for a lifetime of learning.
Parenting Information—During the rhymes, reading, play or activities a myriad of skills or hurdles will be encountered. The instructor will provide information about many of these issues with quick facts, demonstrations or simply through conversation. We welcome your questions and will do everything we can to help you find answers. Sometimes the best resource is the person sitting next to you on the floor!
Free Play Period—At the end of each session, we’ll do what we THINK comes naturally to all caregivers. Playing is how babies learn and your involvement can enhance their enjoyment and enlightenment. It’s fun to see how other people play and how babies respond to each other. This is where some of your best discoveries will originate—either through observation or conversation (with babies and adults!).